martes, noviembre 22, 2011

Recomendaron La Nueva Ilustración Evolucionista

Mientras estuve dado de alta en LinkedIn solicité algunas recomendaciones, algunas de las cuales me llegaron por ese medio, y otras por correo. Transcribo las recibidas de nuestros entrevistados aquí.

"The New Evolutionary Enlightenment" is an excellent place to find thoughtful and objective evolutionarily-informed discussions of the most fundamental questions facing our world".
Craig T. Palmer. Associate Professor, Cultural Anthropology. University of Missouri.Ph.D., Arizona State University, 1988. Entrevistado en LNIE el 03/08/2009.

" I think The New Evolutionary Enlightenment is an interesting bit of academic entrepreneurship".
Merlin Donald. Fundador de la disciplina de la Arqueología Cognitiva. Entrevistado en LNIE el 28/04/2011.

"Me encanta La Nueva Ilustración Evolucionista. Aúna la calidad de la investigación de los textos como la imaginación puesta en las ilustraciones. Que siga prosperando este magnífico proyecto.
In other words,  I have enormously enjoyed this website, both the well-researched text and the highly imaginative illustrations.  Here's wishing you continuing success, Buena suerte"  
Sarah B. Hrdy. American anthropologist and primatologist who has made several major contributions to evolutionary psychology and sociobiology. Entrevistada en LNIE el 18/03/2009.

"Recommendation of Javier Moreno, Germanico: Senor Moreno interviewed me on line for his compilation the New Evolutionary Enlightenment.I found his questions both intelligent and penetrating. I enjoyed answering them and being caused to think in depth about serious and sometimes fundamental matters. He has considerable talent in an area in which interviewers are prone to be lamentably superficial". 
John Postgate, Profesor Emérito de Microbiologí la Universidad de Sussex dónde dirigió la Unidad de Fijación del Nitrógeno. Autor de Las Fronteras de la vida y Microbes and Man. Entrevistado en LNIE el 14/01/2010.

Javier is editor of "The new Evolutionary Enlightenment" (, which is a blog concerned with the science and philosophy of Mind. His many interviews with leading researchers in this field provide valuable insights into current thinking about Mind.” 30 de septiembre de 2011 
Steven Phillips, Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Entrevistado en LNIE el 14/06/2011 por mi colega Memetic Warrior.

Javier interviewed me as Editor of La Nueva Ilustración Evolucionista in a most knowledgable yet empathic way. I was well pleased with the result and consider that his on line site speaks for itself with so many excellent, highly readable and pertinent interviews. I can thoroughly recommend him. 28/09/2011"  
Michael Russell, NASA Senior Research Fellow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Entrevistado en LNIE el 07/07/2011

Javier interviewed me for his website in 2009. He has built up an impressive collection of interviews there with almost every key thinker in evolutionary psychology. This in itself is testimony to his professionalism, dedication, and intellectual curiosity. 26/09/2011"
 Dylan Evans, Lecturer in Behavioural Science, University College Cork. Ha escrito numerosos libros de ciencia sobre evolución, emociones o el efecto placebo Entrevistado en LNIE el 16/07/2009

Javier Moreno, aka "Germanico," has performed an important service in making the work of scholars and writers in the field of evolutionary biology and allied fields accessible to the wider interantional public by designing and curating the website La Nueva Ilustración Evolucionista / The New Evolutionary Enlightenment. From my own experience as one of the participants and a reader of dozens of other entries, I can attest that the interviews are conducted in a penetrating fashion with the objective of extracting the most distinctive aspects of each writer's work, the translations (between English and Spanish as required) are done in a careful and lucid fashion, and the physical production is of a high aesthetic quality. In my opinion, Javier has made an original and useful contribution to world culture.30/09/2011" 
Stuart Newman, Professor, New York Medical College. Es uno de los más destacados científicos de la Biología Evolutiva del Desarrollo. Entrevistado en LNIE el 01/06/2010.

"This website is an extraordinary labour of love, with detailed and penetrating questions to many of the leading figures in evolutionary biology. It is a tribute to the quality of the questions, and their creative online presentation, that so many notable evolutionary biologists have answered, not merely quick answers, but detailed and comprehensive essays in many cases. This is an unusual and meaningful achievement. 04/10/2011".
Nick Lane. Bioquímico y Profesor honorario en el University College de Londres. Es autor de varios libros de ciencia, entre ellos Life Ascending, tras cuya lectura le entrevistamos el 18/02/2010 en LNIE.

"One of the most interesting interview sites for the sciences of human nature, available to Spanish- and English-speakers alike.15/10/2011".
Steven Pinker. Psicólogo de Harvard. Autor de obras tan destacadas como La Tabla Rasa, el Instinto del Lenguaje o Cómo Funciona la Mente, es uno de los fundadores y principales defensores de la psicología evolucionista. Entrevistado en LNIE el 03/12/2008.

Javier's website, The new Evolutionary Enlightenment, is well worth a visit. You will find interviews with all the most interesting people thinking about the evolutionary basis of human behaviour (and also C & U Frith).23/10/2011”
Chris Frith, Emeritus professor of neuropsychology, University College London. Experto en neuroimágenes y autor del libro Making up the Mind (traducido al castellano como Descubriendo el Poder de la mente). Entrevistado junto con su mujer, Uta Frith, también eminente neurocientífica y una de las mayores expertas internacionales en el trastorno del desarrollo del autismo. Ha escrito a su vez varios libros sobre este tema o, por ejemplo, Cómo Aprende el Cerebro, escrito con Sarah Jayne-Blakemore. Chris y Uta fueron entrevistados en LNIE el 06/08/2006. Sarah Jayne-Blakemore el  14/12/2009.

 "Recuerdo bien la entrevista que me hicieron en la Nueva Ilustración Evolucionista, una de las mejores y más sensatas que me han hecho.  El planteamiento de la misma y la precisión y rigor de ese planteamiento dan como resultado el periodismo científico mejor que he leido en nuestro pais.  La lectura de entrevistas a otros cientificos, que conozco personalmente razonablemente bien, confirman muchísimo estas impresiones. En resumen, calificaría su trabajo como 'excelente'.24/10/2011"
Manuel Nieto Sampedro. Investigador del Instituto Cajal del CSIC, uno de los principales expertos mundiales en el estudio a nivel celular y molecular de la neuroplasticidad. Entrevistado en LNIE el 11/09/2008.   

"I'd like to recommend Javier "Germanico" Moreno as en amazing person, whose intellect and passion resulted in creation of one of the most professional popular-science  web services. The list of the outstanding researchers from different fields of science, who took part in his project is really impressive. I'm sure he will be able to engage himself in other activities with equal passion and professionalism. 21/11/2011".
Mikolaj Urbanowski. Arqueólogo de la Szczecin University , descubridor, entre otras cosas, de restos neandertales asociados a enterramientos rituales. Entrevistado en LNIE el 12/04/2010.

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